Log of Changes to Highland Heritage WebPage

February 4, 2001

Set up the webpage for Highland Heritage, including many of the units we had done up to this point and links to other unit studies.

February 15, 2001

Added the government unit study

February 17-23, 2001

Added many forms that we use in our homeschooling.

April 6, 2001

Added mapping madness unit study.

May 29, 2001

Added Ashlee's and Autumn's apple awards for the past year of 2000-2001, updated the 2000-2001 field trips, included our homeschooling schedule, added the units planned and framework for the year 2002-2003, added this log, and modified the index slightly.

July 16, 2001

Added links to Rocks, Earth, Exploration, and Konos Sites. Loaded my rough draft unit on Earth Science.

July 31, 2001

Updated Authority links.

August 8, 2001

Forms page was reorganized and 14 new forms added.

August 9, 2001

Added 15 new forms.

August 10, 2001

Added 27 new forms in gif format, changed the New Testament Reading to a gif for readability, and corrected the music midi on the index page.

September 1, 2001

Added 8 new forms. They include 3 portfolio checklists, a co-op checklist, 3 student inventories, and a homeschooling observation notes form. I also made some minor repairs to the index page and added the portfolio's page.

September 7, 2000

Added 4 new forms - Co-op planner, lap book creation, Civil War Casualties, and Pre-Civil War North and South Differences.

September 15, 2001

Updated links on Floating/Ships, Authority/Light, and States/Civil War. Adjusted index and Earth Science unit. Added lap book rubric form.

September 29, 2001

Added 10 forms: Vocabulary Practice, Writing Project Development, Event Graph, Venn Diagram, Reading Notebook Log, Reading Notebook Contents, Reading Notebook Rubric, Abraham Lincoln Symmetry, Treasure Chest Paper, and Timeline Character forms.

October 1, 2001

Added a new Science Lab Report., North and South Assets During the Civil War Graph, Small Lined Cards, and Large Lined Cards.

October 25, 2001

Added Lesson Plan Form, Addition and Multiplication Facts Blank Charts, Graph Chart Form, Dolch Words List, Dolch sample card, Dolch Word Ideas, 3 Social Study simulations, 4 Forms on Egypt, Bird Beak Investigation Form, Explorer's Form, updated rock lab report, and added line for update emails on Form site.

November 4, 2001

Added a Science Shape Book page off of Forms. On that page, added 7 shapes - cloud, cloud and sun, tornado, raindrop, snowflake, umbrella with kids, and ladybug. Added to Forms three new pages - ladybug life cycle wheel, weather questions for flash cards, and seasons game.

November 29, 2001

Added page on alternative assessments and the Civil War Unit with pictures. Also set up on index sections that will be on ADHD, Century Notebook, and Nature Notebook.

December 4, 2001

Added 34 new forms: 3 Old Testament Reading Charts, 9 Shawnee Coloring Pages, 11 Woodland Animal Tracking Booklet pages, Mask form, Indian Blank Doll Forms, Indian Diet Comparison Form, Indian Tribe Report, Indian Population Graph, Indian Population Graph Information and Questions Form, Writing Strands Checklist, Shawnee Map, Flash Cards on Explorers, Weather, Civil War, and Shawnee Vocabulary.

December 7, 2001

Added Learning challenge pages of What ADHD is, teaching strategies, symptoms, famous ADHDers, and links. I have also added a unit study planning page. Removed Century notebook and Nature notebook off of index. Plan to incorporate those in a Student Produced books in the future.

December 23, 2001

Added 59 new forms: Show me punctuation cards students can hold up when teacher reads a sentence to tell whether the sentence is a question or a statement, two quilt block patterns that can be used as a information graphic organizer, a map of West Virginia, three forms for organizing a state project board of information, a poem formula instruction and example sheet, a resume' form to use as a sort of biography on a historical character, a blank bingo form that can be programmed to enforce almost any skill, planets in space fact sheet, a planets size graph, a planets and their moons graph, trivia flash cards on the planets, 6 West Virginia counties information and comparison sheets, an Oral Interview sheet, a state quick facts sheet, a countries around the world quick facts sheet, 20 countries around the world information and comparison sheets, 5 states information and comparison sheets, states and their nicknames flashcards, four boy and girl forms for using as characters or as a About Me report,

January 6, 2002

Updated some of the last group of forms, and loaded 4 more: seed comparison, quilt block 3 & 4, and children comparison. Bought graphics and replaced old ones with those. Did a major overhaul with index to correct some of the line up problems that were occurring.

January 7, 2002

Redid all pages with new graphics. Made a new page of games.

January 25, 2002

Finished updating all of the pages and writing all of the student book pages.

February 2, 2002

Changed the forms page to be better able to manage by loading each subject with its own page. Updated about a third of the links in the unit link section of page.

February 4, 2002

Won an award! Loaded that to the main index page.

February 23, 2002

Completely revamped the form section. Deleted some old forms, added many new ones, and combined pages of like forms into one file. Converted all the text forms to pdf. Added our Shawnee unit while I was at it.

February 26, 2002

Corrected the error found on the Spelling Graph and added syllable rules chart.

February 27, 2002

Added a blank Jeopardy Board and a blank Bingo Board to Reading forms. Reformatted the remaining old forms and loaded them to the forms sections.

April 12, 2002

Added Ancient Civilization Studies pages and the first books and forms for Prehistory, Ancient Mesopotamia, and Ancient Egypt. Updated a links page for each as well.

April 28, 2002

Added 6 new Bible forms, 2 new unit study forms, and Prehistory reading list and worksheets for highschool under ancient history studies.

June 7, 2002

Uploaded 10 new forms. 3 in Bible and 7 in history. Also uploaded projects and samples completed in the Beginnings unit in Ancient History.

June 10, 2002

Added the Beginning Book Resources.

July 9, 2002

Added 43 new forms, primarily ancient history. Added Mesopotamia Worksheets to the Ancient History Studies.

July 13, 2002

Added Ancient Egypt and Ancient Israel Worksheet section off of the Ancient Civilizations page. Added 24 new Bible worksheets to Bible Forms. Added 24 new worksheets to History Forms: 5 on Ancient Mesopotamia, 3 on Egypt, and 14 on Ancient Israel.

July 15, 2002

Added Scroll shape book to Ancient Israel Worksheets and History Forms. Added 40 worksheets to Ancient Greece Worksheets, Ancient Rome Worksheets, and History Forms.

October 8, 2002

Added bee and bug nature journal sheets, cultural music appreciation sheet, Bible music study sheet, Ancient Mesopotamia art study sheet, India art study sheet, science detective sheet, missionary mini-bio sheets, and India coloring and shape book sheets.

February 28, 2003

Simplified the pages for easier upload. Deleted many of the old pages including the girl's individual records, links to units, games, alternative assessment, ADHD, our schedule, and forms that didn't appear to be as popular or not as good as others that have already been loaded. Added a worksheet in Bible, Music, and quite a few in Art, Reading, and History. Also added my favorite form links on the Forms page. Finished loading all the units for this year's ancient history study as well.

March 5, 2003

Organized the science forms page a bit better and added tide graph sheet, seaweed parts mini-book, goldfish buying/field trip sheet, and goldfish observation sheet.

June 4, 2003

Due to requests by Highland Heritage patrons, I added back the section on ADHD Learning Challenges, quarter planner under Teacher Forms, and our current schedule.  While at it, I also added a page on notebooking.

June 5, 2003

Finished Autumn's Electronic portfolio and linked it from the home page.

July 29, 2003

Added some extra space for history forms.  Added 45 new forms under history forms (mostly American History), 6 new forms under Science Forms, and 4 new forms under Bible that are my personal daily planner notebook forms.

September 19, 2003

Set up a Yahoo egroup to begin handling updates and to allow members to post comments or questions.

October 23, 2003

Moved the group to a new address that was able to handle visitors without shutting them down in the middle of downloads and that offered more space for new uploads.  Added new counters to Index and Forms.

October 24, 2003

Added 3 new forms to History for Colonial America, one form to Science for the Tooth Test, one form to Language Arts for Webpage student evaluation, and four new forms to Bible on our Genesis study.

October 29, 2003

Added four chapter section review questions from Abeka American History grade 8 and outline of chapter 3 of that history.

October 31, 2003

Added 62 forms to Bible, 42 of them being on Character.  Added 30 forms to Science.  One being an animal notebook cover, one being a blank animal report, and the remaining being specific animal reports.

November 2,  2003

Added 6 new forms to Bible - Palestine names, Creation Scrapbook page, Praise Prayer form, That the World May Know questions for Volumes 1 & 2, and an Idol worship scrapbook page.  Added 2 new forms to Science - lapbook rubrics we used for our Autumn's cat lapbook and for the girls' earth lapbooks.  Added the First Colonies Quiz to History.

November 19, 2003

Updated Ancient History Tests to include answer forms.  Updated a link to Knots Gardening on Notebooking Page.


Background from Graphic Garden